The Intimacy of DomesticViolence #Safety4Survivors
First: I opted to not include pictures for this one. Let's do something more meaningful. Post a picture of a powerful, strong woman in...
Let's talk about the elephants in the room
As a stressed-out, working parent, one of the things I’m often asked is "How did you start this?” The simple answer is I needed an outlet, I wanted to do good, and some supportive people joined the ranks..
I'm a single mom, an educator, an advocate, a survivor and a dreamer. Footprints has added immense value to my life; I love the chance to share with our readers the parts of my experience that shape me. I can never repay all the people who helped shape Footprints-- so I aim to bring meaningful content in it's place.
I'm not the only contributor--- we have other mamas sharing vulnerable parts of their lives, tips, and expertise.
Do you have a topic we should tackle? Send us ideas or share in the comments section.
I’d love to hear from you! Please send me a note or comment and I’ll reply promptly.
(970) 353-0828